25 Things you’ll learn while living abroad alone


“So you look at your life, and the two countries that hold it, and realize that you are now two distinct people. As much as your countries represent and fulfill different parts of you and what you enjoy about life, as much as you have formed unbreakable bonds with people you love in both places, as much as you feel truly at home in either one, so you are divided in two. For the rest of your life, or at least it feels this way, you will spend your time in one naggingly longing for the other, and waiting until you can get back for at least a few weeks and dive back into the person you were back there.”— What Happens When You Live Abroad

  1. Most of your life epiphanies will happen on the bus.. or train.
  2. You’ll learn how to be resourceful: from trivial things to the unconventional way of how to a cook pasta.
  3. You’ll learn how to cook.
  4. If you still don’t know how to cook, you won’t starve if you have a microwave and a refrigerator at home.
  5. You’ll do your own laundry and you’ll soon realize the pros & cons of having too many clothes.
  6. Don’t buy stuff, unless it’s necessary.
  7. Save money. Keep a travel fund, an emergency fund, etc.
  8. You’ll understand and respect the culture of others.
  9. You will learn to appreciate the comforts of home.
  10. There are times that you will feel sad and depressed. It’s ok. Cry and sleep it over. You’ll feel better the next day.
  11. Facetime and Skype will bring you closer to home. But don’t do it too often.
  12. Complaining won’t make you, or anyone else, better.
  13. Ask, if you don’t know.
  14. People are different but we are all the same in the end.
  15. The way you see the world is going to be different.
  16. You’ll learn how to say “no”.
  17. Every once in a while, take the road less traveled.
  18. Enjoy your own company.
  19. You’ll learn a lot of things about yourself and the world.
  20. Living abroad is not as glamorous like what other people think it is. It’s hard to make a new life in a foreign country but…
  21. The only person you can depend the most is yourself. Have courage.
  22. It’s alright if haven’t got it all figured out just yet. It’s OK to make mistakes.
  23. Wake up with a smile. A lot of people wants to live abroad, and you’re one of the lucky ones.
  24. To live abroad is a great life teacher and a humbling experience. You’ll experience life.



The Style Mermaid

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